I have had some requests to talk about different diets, so I thought I would start with the HCG diet. It is a diet using a pregnancy hormone to help trick your body into burning fat. I did this diet about two years ago, I went to the Dr, and she gave me the hormone drops. IT WAS HARD, you can only eat 500 calories a day. You had to eat 3oz of meat (chicken or lean steak..) twice a day, and 3 oz of certain veggies, and you could have 1 apple, an orange, 1/2 grapefruit or a hand full of strawberries. If you didn't stick to it you would GAIN weight. It was the hardest diets I have ever done!!! But I lost 20 lbs in three weeks!!!! I kept it off for about 1 year, then I got sick, and would cough and cough, so I couldn't exercise, and in one month I gained every pound back and a little. I tried to do it again, but I just can't find to will power. I have since lost a little and then gained a little YO-YO!!!! Would I recommend the HCG diet, well lets put it this way, it's not something you can do for a long period of time. I think it is best to find a healthy change you can live with, for the rest of your life!!! I am sticking to a 1500 calorie diet and trying to exercise 6 days a week... The weight loss is slow.... but I am feeling better. I have had a lot of people say they see a difference in me, so that's good. The other day I was at kalee's school, and one kid said to another kid "she looks like your mom", and the kid said "No, my mom is much fatter".LOL, Glad I am not his mom!!!!
One more thing about HCG, it really makes it hard to diet "normally". It has taken me a year to not get down on myself when I only lose one pound in a week, it is a constant battle.
Here is some advice I got while chatting online last night on Blog to lose...
*Keep a journal of your food!! (check)
* Drink lots of water!!! (not check) I am doing better today...
Thanks for the advice ladies<3