Wednesday, August 22, 2012

August 22nd

Day one went pretty good..

Went for a 2 mile walk jog?  Kalee road her bike, why is it that your kids love to ride Their bikes, until you want them to then they cry the whole time and say  when can we go back????  But we made it and I was able to jog. I just have to remind myself I am starting at square one, and it will get better.

Eating could have been better, but it could have been worse.   Sugar is not my friend, but I love it so much.  Starting tomorrow I am going to blog everything I eat, and all of my exercise.

The kids are all back to school so I really need to get organized with my time so I can do better. I am starting a new business, and am really enjoying if I can just get control of my health life will be good. Let you know how I am doing...oh yeah I was cleaning my bathroom and threw my scale away, thought it was my old one??? So for now i am just going to work on my clothes getting big, then I will by a scale and see how I am doing.

Until tomorrow.....

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Life is Hard, But there is a light!!!

                                                      Bothers supporting each other!!!!
                                                           It's all about time!!

So it's been a long time since I have posted, Life has been a challege.... The weight  journey has been going backwords:( boo!  I have got to find purpose again.  My kids have been my light, in helping me get through is hard time since my mom passes away.  It's hard to sign into a weight loss program, when I already know what I need to do, i just have to do it!!!!!  The kids are all in school, Kalee starts this week:), now I have to make the time to do what I need to do.   So here we go,,bought me a Nija, it makes great smoothies, got my bike (road, mountain, and spin),  Looking into a race my leg will let me run again, my mind is ready now there is no more excuses!!!!  Stay tooned!!!!