Well I know my blog is suppose to be a weight loss blog, but given passed events I am finding all I really want to talk about is my mom. Today is her 60th birthday we all joke and say she just didn't want to turn 60, but she was never one to care about her age, those of you that knew her know she was a lot younger than her age (not that 60 is old). So in honor of her birthday I thought I would just share some of my memories of her. When I was a little girl I remember her going to finish her college degree at SUU, she would take me with her, but I think it was because I was so knotty. She tried to take me to her friends and I would run away to try to find her. My Aunt tells me about her leaving me at her house and I would chase her down the road crying. So that explains why I have the memories of her taking me to school with her. She worked so hard at getting that degree I'm sure I would have just quit and said I couldn't do it because I had a little brat at home to take care of. She finished school and then took me with her to tropic to do her student teaching, and she had to put me in her class? Then I remember her teaching me in Second grade, we had lots of fun. I was just talking to a friend and he was telling me how much he appreciated her, his family was having all kind of trouble at home and he was a troublemaker in class, and she still loved him and didn't treat him like he was a bad kid.
When I was in middle school I was still a little stinker, but I don't ever remember her yelling at me. When I wanted to do horse back riding, she talked to her dad and he got me a horse. My dad told us we would have to feed it and take care of it. That was one of the fun things we would do, we couldn't really lift the hay so we would count to three and then lift, but we were usually laughing so hard we still couldn't lift it. One day we didn't get the hay on very good and when we got to the main street the hay feel out of the truck, so we had to try to lift it in. I always remember laughing so hard.
In high school of coarse we had fun. All the boys in town thought my mom was so cool, so they would come over and hang out and we would watch movies all day. She all ways made cinnamon rolls, and let us hang out as long as we wanted, now I know she just wanted to keep us home, and keep her eye on us.
Raising five girls couldn't be easy. Everyone always felt bad for my dad, but in our eyes my dad was the king of the world. But my poor mom had to try to get along with us. She always went walking with us, we could talk and talk, sometimes we didn't even leave to go for our walks until 9 or 10 at night, rain, snow or shine. I know I am to tired now to do that, but she always had time for us.
Then she was the grandma and mother-in-law. Always there, to every birthday party, every ball game( or butterfly chasing in Jason's case). She always wanted me to encourage my kids and husband, never let them know they weren't doing something perfect. She always build us up.
A while back she had come to St.George shopping, we were setting in the car talking, and we saw these two ladies, they looked like a mother and daughter, but they were much older than us. We watched them and laughed and said that's going to be us in 20 years. I wish it was....
Love, Sherrie
What great memories, it makes me feel even more blessed to still have my mom around. Matt often reminds me that as long as we talk about loved ones they are not really "gone" and we will always feel close to them and be able to make those whom we want to remember them know them by how we live our lives. Those we love live on through us!! Loves to you and your family!!