Thursday, November 17, 2011

Holy crap what did I get myself into!!!!

OK so my son Jason needs to finish his physical fitness part of his Duty to God.  So he has been running with the running club at school, so we decided to have him run a 5k.  No problem, so I find a 5k in American Fork on Thanksgiving Day, and we decide we are all going to run in it.  That is no big deal, 5k is easy, plus we can burn some calories before we dig into the Turkey.  So I signed the whole family up, I was so excited.  I have been going to spin class about three days a week, cardo is no problem.... I just forgot one thing.  This summer we went to Lake Powell for a fun day of water skiing.  My oldest son was trying to learn how to ski, and just couldn't get up.  I am a "pro" so I decide I will show him how...beautiful day...water is warm.  So I get ready and the boat starts pulling me, but I just can't stand up...What the heck!!!!  Finally after 3 times I am totally determined, I am going to stand up if it kills me!!!!  Well the boat pulls me one way, one leg goes one way, the other goes another way, but dang it I am not going to let go!!!! When I heard this terrible POP my leg went numb.... I was out for the rest of the day!!!  I pulled my hamstring and who knows what else, my leg was huge, and bruised from my hip to my calf, and it hurt for a long time, weeks.  They said after eight weeks it should be better.  Well it is five months later and I still can't jog.  Every time I do I get a charlie horse in my hamstring.  I guess I had a brain fart and just forgot I can't jog.  Well I guess I am going to have to walk or walk/jog.  I really want that sweatshirt!!!!  Anyway if you are in American Fork on Thanksgiving Day, and want to run a 5k come join us at the Fleet Feet Turkey Trot.  Hopefully I can make it to the end!!!!!

"The virtue lies in the struggles, not in the prize"  Richard Monckton Milnes


  1. Love the new blog! What a great way to keep motivated on a diet! Can't wait to hear about all the good and not so good dieting ideas.

  2. Thanks Jenni, I am sure you will read plenty stories about yourself on this blog.....
