Monday, November 21, 2011

Never wear Gray jogging pants!!!!

OK, if you know me or my sisters (or Mare) you know about the cruse of the bladder!!!!  Well after a terrible weekend of not sticking to the eating plan, I decided to hit two classes today, and since I like getting it over with early I decided to go to spin tonight, and try this new class I haven't ever tried (power X).  I dropped Kalee off at the day care and head up to the class.  Wearing my dark gray jogging pants and a running shirt I got at the Midnight 5k and a purple running jacket.  I get up to the class and there is a couple people there, so I ask about the class.  And the teacher walks up, and says it's really hard (but I can just do my best), that's a great way to start a class.  So we get all of our stuff out, and I am starting to notice there are a bunch of young cute girls, that haven't had babies yet???  So we start out marching (OK I can do this) then we start doing JUMPING JACK'S, maybe I am the only one but Having 4 babies+jumping up and down+spreading your legs apart = PEE your pants!!!!!!  So I thought it was just a little leak,oh no, then we start jogging in place.  How am I going to get out of here with out everyone noticing me.  So I tied my jacket around my waist, it covered it up pretty good until we had to spread our legs apart for squats, oh please beam me up Scotty!!!!!  Well I finally thought either I don't care that all these cute young girls know I totally peed my pants, or they think I can't handle the class.  I  choose not handling the class I am out of here.  At least I got a good 30 min, work out, but I am for sure sticking to the Flex class and spin no Jumping up and down!!!  Oh well put this one down in the book of  Bulkley girls peeing their pants!!!!

1 comment:

  1. ok I am commenting for Christy, She sent me this message on Facebook, and I had to share it. "Guess, I don't have a google account. I can't comment on your blof. Anyway I love the pee story. That is way I never wear gray pants, always black. Black hides the pee pretty good but the smell is very hard to hide. Then there is the burning of the pee rubbing your pants on on your inner thighs. That is so very bad . See I do know exactly what you mean. I like running in the woods b/c I can stop and pee if I need too. The other day I didn't get my pants down all the way and so I had to home with pee rubbing on my lower back, and it was cold. love the blog keep it up! Great job, oh btw I have lost 20lbs, only 30 to go, then sports car here I come." Christy has stopped eating sugar and lost 20lbs Way to Go!!!
