Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Plan!!!!

It is so hard to figure out what plan to follow.  It's like a different diet jumps out everyday!!!  I am the queen of infomercials. We had some friends helping us move one day and they were dying when they saw all of my diets I had ordered.  Some worked for a while, everything is just the quick fix.  I have done everything from cabbage soup diet to HCG.  I am ready to do it right, and in a way I can continue to follow the program forever.

I am using My Net Diary app, on my phone.  It helps me keep track of how many calories I am eating, how much sodium is in the food,  how many calories I should eat, and how many calories I burn while exercising. I am loving it.  We have so many conveniences right at our finger tips, it should be so easy but mentally it is still so hard.

I am going to exercise everyday, at least 1 hr.  It is going to be MY 1 Hour everyday.  And so far I am loving it.  I went to spin class last night, I looked around and realized I am the chubbiest one in the room, not fun!!!!  The first 15 minutes my mind kept telling reasons I should leave, but I didn't.  At the end of class I was feeling awesome.  Loving SPIN CLASS!!!!

So the good news for the night I LOST 3 LBS,   177.
Long way to go, but at least I am heading in the right direction.

Progress has little to do with speed, but much to do with direction

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